Applicant Details
Details of your governing body or board including names of board or Executive Committee members

Please input NIN in form of 11 digits (no dashes)

NIN Surname Names Occupation Position Contact
Add Organisation Member
What are your organisation’s objectives (include your mandate, vision, sector you operate in and Mission Statement)?
Summarise your Organisation’s history. Outline current programs and activities and main beneficiaries. Highlight the accomplishments of your Organisation
If you have previously received funding from the Government, please state how much did you receive and what did you do with the funds?
What are your organisation’s major sources of funding?

Project Synopsis

Project Summary, Goals & Objectives

This section should contain a clear and specific statement of what the proposed project will accomplish. It should include the problem statement, project rational, goal, objectives, outputs, activities and expected outcomes.

Problem Statement

Provide a brief analysis of the issue your project aims to address. Substantiate with research data, statistics with clear references/sources.

The Rationale of the Project

This should explain the reasoning behind the need for the proposal. Demonstrate the relevance of the proposal to the problem identified. It should also explain the reasons and interest of developing a partnership with other organisations such as government agencies, NGOs or community organization for the project implementation.

The Specific Goal of the Project

What will be achieved at the project end

Beneficiaries of the Project

Who are they, how many, how will this project contribute to their development and self-sufficiency - 200 words maximum

Expected Outcomes

The measurable changes that will have occurred by the end of the project

Outcome Indicators
Add Outcome
State the National Strategic Priority /Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) which aligns to your project
Budget Summary

The budget should be realistic and include all costs associated with managing and administering the project. The grant should be used only for costs which directly relate to efficiently carrying out the activities and producing the objectives which are set forth in the project proposal.

Administrative Costs: should not be more than 10% of the total requested from National Grant

Objectives No. & Name

Total Cost

Requested Grant Amnt

Organisation's Contribution

minimum 10% contribution towards the

project either in cash or in kind

Indicative Co-Funding

provide details of the source

and the amount of the co-finance

Add Budget Line
Methodologies & Implementation Strategy

Briefly describe what mechanisms/ strategies will be put in place to ensure successful implementation of the project

Risks to Successful Implementation and Mitigation Measures

Identify and list the major risk factors that could result in the project not producing the expected results. These should include both internal factors (for example, the technology involved fails to work as projected) and external factors (e.g changes to laws or regulations).


Risk category

(e.g. environmental, legal, etc.)

The potential level of impact

(e.g. low, medium, high)

Risk mitigation measures

Add Risk Factor
Project Sustainablity & Long-Term Impact

Provide an explanation of how this project will continue and sustain itself logistically and financially after the Government provided grant term is over. Describe approaches and methods for ensuring the sustainability of the project and the possibility for replication or scaling-up.

Advocacy & Communications

How will the project use communications and public education as tools towards achieving results? For example, the organisation of public events, publication of news announcements etc.

Supporting Documents

Before you send this grant application form, please ensure that you have enclosed ALL of the mandatory documentation listed below.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Grant applications that are incomplete or submitted later than the imposed deadline or that do not meet the eligibility criteria or do not follow these instructions would be automatically rejected.

Please ensure you use the drop down list to select which document you are uploading

Max file size: 10MB

Allowed file types: Excel (xls,xlsx,xml), Word (docx), PDF (pdf), Image (jpg, png), Text (txt), Zip (zip)


Business Bank Details


Please tick and fill in your name

I, , declare that all the information provided in this grant application form and all supporting documents are true and accurate. I confirm that I have the authority to make the application on behalf of the organisation.

In lodging this application, I give my consent to the National Grants Committee through the Ministry of Finance, Trade, Investment and Economic Planning to undertake the necessary searches and checks to verify the authenticity of the information provided.

I agree to comply with requests from National Grants Committee, for additional information to be provided.
